Conferência da InnScidSP School sobre estratégia de inovação para o Brasil

O evento vai acontecer no dia 11 de junho de 2019, às 10h30, na sala da Congregação  da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade – FEAUSP.
Professor of Management, Former Founding Dean of the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. Chairman, Board of Directors of the Global Business School Network.
Soumitra Dutta served as the founding dean of the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business from July 2016 till January 2018. Currently he is a Professor in the Operations, Technology and Information Management Area. Previously, he was the Anne and Elmer Lindseth Dean of the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management. Prior to coming to Cornell, he was on the faculty of INSEAD, a leading international business school in France and Singapore. He is an authority on technology and innovation policy and is the co-editor and author of the Global Information Technology Report, published by the World Economic Forum and the Global Innovation Index, published by the World Intellectual Property Organization – two influential reports in technology and innovation policy.

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